🌱Plant-Based Food


In Friday, I took a class about food and nutrition. 
This week, topic was beans.
It is impossible to get various nutrition by eating only carbohydrates. 
And I learned that beans can support lach of nutrition because they contain rich protein and balanced essential amino acids.
In my daily diets, I tend to lack of protain. So, I try to intake protein from beans on this good occasion. 

There are materials.
•Firm tofu   
•Potato starch   
•Shimeji mushrooms
•Mix vegetables 

Soy sauce   (2 teaspoon)
Sugar   (2 tablespoon)
Ketchup   (2 tablespoon) 
Cooking vinegar   (20ml)    

It is better to mix seasoning() before starting cooking.

1. Draining tha water of firm tofu.

2. Cutting then for easy to eat. 

3. Putting patato starch to cover all surface of piece of firm tofu.

4. To spread oil on frying pan and baking all surface of firm tofu.

5. Putting out of the fire when the color of surface become baked color. 
(Like a picture!)

6. Boiling shimezi mushrooms. Cutting onions.

7. To spread oil and putting boiled shimezi mushrooms, onions and mix vegtable.

8. When onions look like to eat, adding sauces.

9. To stir flying a little.


10. Serving firm tofu on the dish and put on vegetables.

I could make it simply. I served it to my family at dinner. All of them enjoyed eating. I was happy. 
I learned that it is easy to incorporate proteins in my diet. I’ll try to find other menus by using tofu.

The seasonig that I used referenced from here.




🍊SOL #8
