

Thank you for coming to my blog!!

Today, I'd like to tell you about food I ate this week!

From this week, I started to make lunch by myself. I am a beginner in cooking. So I searched some recipe that I will easy to make. And I chose 3 recipes.

I used broccolies for the first recipe. After boiling and they can be eaten, drain it. And add olive oil and solt as desired. After that stir it fry and make color brown. Thanks of seasonig, I was able to enjoy broccolies taste. 

And I used a lot of mushrooms - shimezi mashrooms and Maitake mashrooms for next one. The seasonig is only soy sauce. But it was really match mashroom. I like this recipe most out if the three. 

I used boild cabbage and thinly sliced loin meat. This is easiest recipe to make. Only needs wrap cabbage with meat and hit in the microwave. 

My Lunch🍱

Sometimes it was a littel hard for me. But I was happy to make lunch by myself. I want to make more recipes!! If you know good recipes, please tell me!!! 

Do you know "Mizore" nabe? 
"Mizore" means grated white Japanese radish. It is said that white Japanese radish make our body warm. If you add "Mizore" into nabe instead of usuall white Japanes radish, your body will warm than usuall because "Mizore" is really match with soup. I think "Mizore" will match anyother type of nebe if you put white japanese radish usuall. Please try yo make it!! 

Mizore Nabe

Thank you for reading!! 


Keita Komoro さんの投稿…
Hi, I'm Keita. I've never had "Mizore" nabe and would like to try it next time!
Yokoyama Riko さんの投稿…
Hi, I'm Riko. I was amazed at how well he cooked, I couldn't believe he was a beginner cook! Both dishes look very delicious!
Megu Kagaya さんの投稿…
Hi, I'm Megu. I've never heard of Mizore nabe before. It looks so delicious, I want to try it!
Miyu さんの投稿…
Hi, I'm Miyu. Your lunch and Mizore Nabe looks delicious!! I'll try Mizore Nabe someday.



🍊SOL #8