
 “Character “

I heard the announcement that Pokémon donuts will de sold.  

I went shops sometimes, but always they were sold out!

However eventually I was able to buy them!!


I really wanted to buy them because this character is one of my favorites!!

Big eyes and face that doesn’t look so cute are really lovely for me.

Then, I noticed that my favorite characters have same characteristics!!

Name is Perry

Do you know him? 

He is a platypus and called Perry.

He is from Disney channel animation “Phineas and Ferb”

There are the name of two brothers. And this story’s setting is one day of summer vacation. Perry is a their pet. Surprisingly, he has a big secret…

The first time that I saw this character, I didn’t think it was cute. But when I noticed, I was really fascinated in this character!! Then I started to collect goods of it.

These two characters have not face that everyone think cute. But that is really attractive part for me!  If you know  character that have such characteristics, please tell me!!


Keita Komoro さんの投稿…
Hi, I'm Keita. They are very cute! My favorite character is Shaun the Sheep.
Kureha Endo さんの投稿…
Hi, I'm Kureha. Its doughnuts are very pretty. I want to eat them too.
Kaho さんの投稿…
Hi, I am Kaho. The doughnuts are so cute. I plan on buying those next time too!



🍊SOL #8
