[Unit Project 2]How To Make Eggplants-Miso




  Have you enjoyed eating eggplants dishes? Or you still dislike to eat eggplants? Today, I'd like you to share delicious recipe that you will fascinated in eggplants with only use eggplants and seasoning.

  Eggplant is a vegetable harvested in summer. However, thanks for development of cultivation and transportation skills, it became possible to eat eggplant all seasons with cheap price in Japan. It is a benefit that we can eat good eggplants all the time. Although eggplant is a summer vegetable. Eggplants which grew up by summer sun are the best taste. Fortunately, eggplants grow easily in house garden, so you can enjoy eating delicious summer eggplants that made by yourself in your house!! 

  I have a garden in my house and my parents handlied it. In each seasons, a lot of vegetables grow. Every summer, a plenty of eggplants can be harvested. That were almost all used for ingredients of miso-soup in my home. As I was a little, I really didn’t like that taste and texture. So, I hated to eat eggplants. I still disliked eggplants even after becoming a junior high school student. My mother who knew my situation at that time, made variety of recipes with using eggplants. This is a recipe that I thought that eggplant is tasty vegetable for the first time.

  This recipe dose not needs a lot of ingredients. However this recipe is delicious enough to overcome your dislike of eggplant!! Also, if you like to eat Japanese rice and eat it with this dish, you will be not able to stop eating. You can enjoy eathing Japanses rice too. This time, I'd like to share this easy but really delisious recipe to you!!


I will make for 5 people.

[What tools you need]


•One chopping board 

•One kitchen knife 

•One frying pan 

•One tuner

•Measuring spoons

•Two small bowl 

•Five pairs of chopsticks 


•Three eggplants

•Two tbsp oil

•Three tbsp water 

•Four tbsp Japanese sweet sake

•One point five tbsp miso

•One tbsp sugar 

•Quarter tsp soy sauce that is called “Sasakami Kiage” made by Kotoyo shouyu.


1. First, wash the eggplants with water wells and put on the chopping board. 

2. Next, cut the eggplants stems with kitchen knife and  throw it away.

3. After, cut the leftover eggplants in half lengthwise, then cut it in half lengthwise again. It means that you have to cut the eggplant into quarters lengthwise.


4. Moreover, slice the all eggplants from step 2 into about 0.5cm pieces.  And set them in aside.

5. Next, turn on the stove and put the frying pan with the oil on it. 

6. After the frying pan heats up, put the eggplants from step 4 into it. And stir-fry eggplants for about 1.5 minutes.

7. Next, weaken the fire and add the water. Immediately close the lid and wait for about 1 minutes for eggplants soften.

8. After waiting 1 minutes, open the lid and stir the contents of the frying pan for about 30 seconds.

9. Then, close the lid and wait another about 30 seconds for eggplants more soften.

10. While waiting, put the “Sasakami Kiage”, Japanese sweet sake, sugar and salt into one of the small bowl and mix them well.

11. After 30 seconds waiting, add the seasoning from step 10 and stir the contents of the frying pan well.

12. Finally, serve eggplants-miso in the another small bowl. 

   Taste of seasoning and miso make eggplants much more delicious taste. I want you to use "Sasakami Kiage" because it is a key poin tomake this recipe evem more delicious. Also by adding water and soften the eggplant, this recipe becomes more easily make recipe. It is also good to add red hot peppers or fried ground pork. Red hot peppers make this dish more spicy. By adding fried ground pork, this dish more delicious if you like meats. 

  Only need eggplants to make this dish is the benefit of the recipe. In addition, it is delicious when eat with rice, so it can be enjoyed to eat rice made in Niigata prefecture. When you want to make one more meal, when you have a lot of eggplants, when you really want to eat large amounts of rice, please try to make this recipe!! However, you don’t eat too much because it use miso that contain sodium. This recipe will fascinate you to eggplants even you don’t like them.




🍊SOL #8
